Please note, this is a publicly available pre-release version of Mega Minesweeper. To download the latest version of Mega Minesweeper, please go to <> or visit the Carrot Software web page at <>.
Beginner: 8 x 8 with 10 mines
Intermediate: 16 x 16 with 40 mines
Advanced: 32 x 16 with 99 mines
Master: 100 x 100 with 1500 mines
Crazy: 1000 x 1000 with 150000
Custom: Max. size of 32767x32767
Misc. Game Play
- You can NOT lose on your first move! If you click on a mine, it will move it will be moved to a different location!
- Smallest game size allowed is 1x2 (or 2x1)
- Greatest size allowed is 32,767 x 32,767
Theme plug-ins can change the graphical appearance of your Mega Minesweeper games. There is no limit to the number of plug-ins you can have and a plug-in takes up no memory unless it is the one currently being used.
Sound plug-ins allow different sound effects for your Mega Minesweeper games. Like Themes, there is no limit to the number of sound plug-ins you can have and they don't take up memory (except the one being used).
Field Size - choose the size of the fields
Uncover Modifier - choose the modifier (command, option, control, or shift) that uncovers fields.
Flag Modifier - choose the modifier that in conjunction with clicking flags a field
Power Modifier - choose the modifier that in conjunction with clicking allows you to clear all unflagged fields around an uncovered field.
(Power click: if you power click on an uncovered field containing the number N, and there are N flagged fields next to it, then all remaining fields around it will be uncovered. However, if there are any unflagged mines you will lose the game!)
Question Marks - if checked, when unflagging, the field cover becomes a question mark. Otherwise it reverts to a normal covered field.
Auto switch monitor: if checked, automatically changes your screen to thousands of colors and restore the previous depth upon quit.
Don't ask to reduce colors: if checked, MMS will NOT ask you if you want to reduce your screen depth to thousands.
Track Modifiers: uncheck this if you have a multi. button mouse that does not work properly with Mega Minesweeper.
Ask to save: if checked, MMS will ask if you want to save changes before quitting/closing/starting a new game (except if the game is over).
Remember window position: if checked, MMS will honor the size and position of the window. Otherwise, it will make the window take up as much space as needed.
Quit on close: if checked, closing the main window will make MMS to quit.
The Navigator is a way to locate a single field and move around large fields very quickly. Black represents a field that is still covered, white - uncovered, and red - flagged. The green box represents the fields you can currently see. Clicking on the Navigator window moves you instantly to that location. The colors can change Theme to Theme.
Time: the amount of time spent playing (in a convenient Hour: Min: Sec format)
Remain: the number of mines that need to be flagged (#Mines - #Flags)
Covered: the number of fields that are covered (up)
Uncovered: the number of fields that are uncovered (down)
Moves: the number of moves you have made
High Score:
View high scores: displays a dialog with all the high scores and statistics
Erase scores: after asking if you are sure you want to do this, it wipes clean all of the high scores.
All Mega Minesweeper drawing is done offscreen for speed and flicker free updates. This also allows for super fast scrolling!
Since you can create huge games, there has to be a way to view all of the fields. Scroll bars are the answer. The function just like they do in any other Mac programs. The scroll bars support live scrolling so as you drag the thumb, you instantly see your new location!